

French    <English>

This version enable completly these possibilities :

  1. You can specify for each ports the detection parameters,
  2. you can modify paramters while It is running,
  3. you can ADD, DEL, MODIFY a port while It is running,
  4. instant stats and realtime stats to know if the detection parameters are good,
  5. listing of banned IP or IPC and listing manipulation is possible (ADD or DEL IP, IPC),
  6. you can specify the max time while IP and IPC are banned,
  7. you can SAVE port modification,
  8. you can STOP the soft.

Needed library :

  1. Libipq
  2. Lcrypt

RFC of SynDetector :

Network error :
  1. Error -2
  2. Error -1
  3. Error 0
  4. Error 1
  5. Error 2
  6. Error 3
  7. Error 4
  8. Error 5
  9. Error 6
  10. Error 7
  11. Error 8
  12. Error 9
  13. Error 10
  14. Error 11
  15. <Connection closed>
Translation :
  1. Order transmition failed
  2. It seems that there is no Login/Password check the format
  3. Error of Login/Password
  4. Unknown order
  5. Order can not be executed now, retry later
  6. IP allready banned
  7. Incorrect format IP
  8. Error while deleting IP
  9. IP is not in the ban list
  10. Format or value incorrect
  11. Port ADD error
  12. Port DEL error
  13. Port modification error
  14. Error while saving new port parameters
  15. If you idle more than 20s the connection will be closed without any message
Network success :
  1. Ok
  2. <Stats>
  3. <One Stat>
Translation :
  1. The order has been executed correctly
  2. Only with real time stats. You receive stats data instead of any other message
  3. Only with ponctual stats. You receive one stat data instead of any other message
Network command :
  5. ADDPORT %d:%d:%d:%d:%d
  6. DELPORT %d
  7. MODPORT %d:%d:%d:%d:%d
  8. BANIP %d.%d.%d.%d
  9. BANIPC %d.%d.%d.%d
  10. ERASEONEBANNEDIP %d.%d.%d.%d
  11. ERASEONEBANNEDIPC %d.%d.%d.%d
  15. TEMPSFLUSH2 %d
  18. SAVE
  19. QUIT
Translation :
  1. Got IP banned list
  2. Got IPC banned list
  3. Got ports list
  4. Got value of flushing time for IP and IPC
  5. Add a port - "port:lenghtete:senseur:limtemporelle:percent"
  6. Del a port - "port"
  7. Modification for a port - "port:lenghtete:senseur:limtemporelle:percent"
  8. Add a banned IP - ""
  9. Add a banned IPC - ""
  10. Del a banned IP - ""
  11. Del a banned IPC - ""
  12. Del all banned IP
  13. Del all banned IPC
  14. Flushing max time for IP - "time in second"
  15. Flushing max time for IPC - "time in second"
  16. Got one port stats
  17. Got real time port stats
  18. Save of port modification
  19. Shutdown SynDetector

Default parameters in definition.h:

  1. Client port connection : 4444
  2. Port which must only use by SynDetector : 4445
  3. Max time before flush banned IP list : 60s
  4. Max time before flush banned IPC list : 60s
  5. Max idle connection time before closing : 20s
  6. Max trying number to transmit order : 3
  7. Max port number to check: 65535
  8. Crypt salt : Zw

Format of a request :

Optionaly you need to put an argument if command require it :

   [Login='%s'-Password='%s'|<COMMAND>[ <ARGUMENT>]]

Warning the password need to be transmited with the good crypt salt !