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Summary : syndetectorv3_3-2 and syndetector_gui-v0.2 released
Date : 2006/08/02

* Bug-Fix :
- Some time for obscure reason the daemon which allow a client to remote control the detector
crashed but let the detecor alive. No more crash.

* Security-Fix :
- Bad use of the crypt salt which is transmitted over the network with the rest of the crypted
password. It was stupid.

* Only use with syndetectorv3_3-2 or more.
Summary : syndetector_gui-v0.1 released
Date : 2005/08/11

Syndetector is a detection system of synflood attack via libipq and iptables (a synflood consist on flood of request of TCP connection on a port to saturate the system, most of the time with spoofed IP).
Syndetector don't only detect attack ! Syndetector block detected attack by droping of the bad packet. It's a big difference with most of the other soft which want to prevent synflood only by advertising the system administrator who can after ban the detected ip for exemple.

To manage this soft you can use my web based GUI (php).
Currently all command are enabled except real time stat.

Thanks to all people who will do the effort to try my soft to help me to make better things ;)
Summary : syndetectorv3_3-0 Released
Date : 2005/08/11

Syndetector is a detection system of synflood attack via libipq and iptables (a synflood consist on flood of request of TCP connection on a port to saturate the system, most of the time with spoofed IP).
Syndetector don't only detect attack ! Syndetector block detected attack by droping of the bad packet. It's a big difference with most of the other soft which want to prevent synflood only by advertising the system administrator who can after ban the detected ip for exemple.

The new features :
- you can modify paramters while It is running,
- you can ADD, DEL, MODIFY a port while It is running,
- instant stats and realtime stats to know if the detection parameters are good,
- listing of banned IP or IPC and listing manipulation is possible (ADD or DEL IP, IPC),
- you can specify the max time while IP and IPC are banned,
- you can SAVE port modification,
- you can STOP the soft.

Pre-existent features :
- You can check 65535 ports if you want ;)
- Configure for each port detection parameters
- I decrease the time needed to check if a port need to
be checked
- Detection of an synflood attack
- Droping of packet from banned IP
- Try to know if an IP is spoofed or not
- and some other things... ;)

Thanks to all people who will do the effort to try my soft to help me to make better things ;)
Summary : New web site
Date : 2005/07/29

The new features :

- A real site :p
- Full english translation (even if my english is realy bad ;)
- Direct download link (to be conform with sourceforge policy)

Thanks to all people who will do the effort to try my soft to help me to make better things ;)
Summary : syndetectorv3_2-2 Released
Date : 2005/07/27

This release come after a long time of inactivity but I'm alone on this project and It takes me a lot of time.

Syndetector is a detection system of synflood attack via libipq and iptables (a synflood consist on flood of request of TCP connection on a port to saturate the system, most of the time with spoofed IP).
Syndetector don't only detect attack ! Syndetector block detected attack by droping of the bad packet. It's a big difference with most of the other soft which want to prevent synflood only by advertising the system administrator who can after ban the detected ip for exemple.

The new features :
- You can check 65535 ports if you want ;)
- Configure for each port detection parameters
- I decrease the time needed to check if a port need to
be checked

Pre-existent features :
- Detection of an synflood attack
- Droping of packet from banned IP
- Try to know if an IP is spoofed or not
- and some other things... ;)

I announce that a new release will come in a short time that enable a lot of new things same as the management of the soft with a web based php interface by a system of Client/Server, a translation in English of all advertising message of the soft.

Thanks to all people who will do the effort to try my soft to help me to make better things ;)